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    Aktuelles Projekt
    Eisen . Gold . Kinetik
    H 300 cm . B 600 cm . T 80 cm
    1,5 Tonnen

    „It is a jungle of rusty spikes moving in the wind. A storm emerges from the depths of metallic objects..“

    RE LIFE will be a kinetic relief made of rusty iron and will be hydraulically animated (height 3 m, width 6 m, depth 0.8 m and weighing approximately 1.5 tons. The relief consists of three layers:

    – the first layer houses spikes 1 to 2 meters high at the top and bottom.

    – the second layer contains a circle made of spikes that moves back and forth lengthwise while emitting a boom- ing sound

    – the third layer is a background made of rusty sheet met- al, which has the appearance of a cave wall or of an end- less landscape.

    – die dritte Schicht ist der Hintergrund aus rostigem Blech, der wie eine Höhlenwand oder die Landschaft der Unendlichkeit wirkt.

    The sound of the relief is created by the movement of the individual iron parts. The relief can be controlled both manually and by a computer program.

    The first sketch was made in 2019; the frame was com- pleted in 2020; the first kinetic element was installed in 2022, representing the center of the relief, so to speak. In 2023, the sculpture will continue to be built; and in 2024 it will be completed.

    RELIEF 1, produced in February 2021, can be seen as a miniature model for the large kinetic relief "RE LIFE". Both photos of "Relief 1.", in different stages of production, allow us to see the different layers. With the power of imagination, we can insert the different layers into the existing frames of "RE LIFE" and set them into motion.